Eco-fungicide is a certified organic fungicide suitable for controlling powdery mildew, black spot, and rust on many plants, such as tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, strawberries, roses, grapevines and geraniums. It effectively targets existing fungal infections, rapidly eliminating external fungal growth. Eco-fungicide also provides an invisible protective coating that prevents new spores from germinating.
As eco-fungicide is a contact spray, thorough coverage is necessary to achieve the best results.
Eco-fungicide is garden-friendly and harmless to beneficial insects, including bees, as well as earthworms and soil microbes.
Rapidly kills external fungal growth and spores
Effective on a broad range of plants
Safe to use on fruits and vegetables
No withholding period
Friendly for beneficial insects and soil microbes
Approved for use in organic gardens (Australian Certified Organic)
Ingredient: 3.8g/L Potassium Bicarbonate